Misae (21)

Griffith's childhood friend; they first met when when Griff rescued Misae from being bullied as children. Being born a natural Conjurer from the Borlaaq tribe, Misae could see the color of people's souls, often telling him if they meant good or bad but it was also because of his healing abilities along with self-healing ability, he was kidnapped from tribe to tribe to be used for his magic.He never had a definite home until he ran away to Kugane where he was adopted by a family of Hyurs. In his days, he came to reunite with Griffith, thus resurfacing old feelings. Griff was the only one to ever make him feel normal and he never wanted to use his magic again in order to not repeat his past.He has an extreme adoration towards Griffith and wishes to save him from their own personal turmoil, even if by the chance Griffith does not reciprocate the same romantic feelings fully due to their own insecurities.

Misae (26)

Upon seeing no progress in Griffith's personal dilemma, Misae came to the realization that it was needed for Griff to hear his first love's words of forgiveness in order for him to move on. Griffith being against it due to not believing he deserved forgiveness for her death, Misae had to leave Griffith's side to pursue and hone his white magic despite it meaning going back on his word to never use it again.

He left in secret because he knew Griffith would stop him, but his training took him longer than expected to try and learn how to resurrect the dead. Still not having mastered the skill, there has been news of a familiar Xaela walking around causing havoc, forcing Misae to stop his training in order to seek out the Xaela, only to find out it was someone wearing Griffith's face. Now, being able to see his own friend is trapped inside the imposter, he is determined to free them one way or another.